Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Moroni 10:32

Moroni 10:32  Yea, acome unto Christ, and be bperfected in him, and cdenyyourselves of all ungodliness; and if ye shall deny yourselves of all ungodliness, and dlove God with all your might, mind and strength, then is his grace sufficient for you, that by his grace ye may be eperfect in Christ; and if by the grace of God ye are perfect in Christ, ye can in nowise deny the power of God.

Good Morning!

This week was great! Elder Koetting and I worked so hard and good things happened. We tracted a whole lot and found several people who are interested in investigating the Church. One of them we are really excited about. It's this kid named XXXXX, we are giving him a tour of the church on Tuesday night and then he is going to play basketball with us and some guys from church. It should be way fun!

Owasso is a great town. We had a car this week so that made things a lot easier, haha. We live with the Stake President on a little farm. We try to feed the donkeys every once in a while but they hate us. They run away every time. It's awesome to live in a home with a family. It gets lonely sometimes living in an apartment with just your companion. On Tuesday we had exchanges with the traveling assistants, Elder Prestwhich and Elder Vanroosendahl (van-rose-en-doll). Elder Prestwhich is so awesome. He was my district leader back in Bentonville. Being a missionary is also awesome because you get to meet a ton of new friends! I really hope to stay in contact with these elders when we are all back home.

This week I got to do two baptismal interviews. For those who are unfamiliar with the process, those who are ready for baptism must be interviewed before they enter the waters of baptism. They were so awesome! I LOVE seeing people take that crucial step of faith and coming closer to their Father in Heaven. It was so awesome to be a part of that process.

So on Saturday night we got our transfer call from the Zone Leaders. We are being split up!!!! Elder Koetting is going back to Arkansas. The Springdale zone, Marshallese 2nd Ward! (people from the Marshall Islands!). And I will be staying here in Owasso, and I will be training again! I'm so excited! Training is so much fun. It's so hard, but it's so much fun. I will meet my new companion on Thursday at transfer point!  I will miss Elder Koetting. I love that kid so much. I am excited to train again though haha. I'm glad president and the Lord trust me with this responsibility.

Serving a mission is such an amazing experience. In her email, Taylor asked me if I have any difficult days. The answer is absolutely. Serving a mission has been the hardest thing I've ever done. Missionary work is not easy. It is physically, emotionally, and spiritually demanding all day every day. It requires every bit of energy and focus you have to be the most effective you can be. I don't remember what it feels like to not be exhausted. And that is the best feeling in the world. All the Lord expects out of us, out of anyone, is our best. That 'best' is different for everyone. And that 'best' is different every day. Some days it's not so good and you wish you could be better, you feel inadequate, but it's in those moments that you must remember that the Lord is willing to make up the difference, if you are willing to try. We have a partnership with the Lord, he strengthens us. He builds us up as we build on Him, He is our sure foundation, our rock.

Elder Sherwood

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