Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Matthew 10:39

Good Morning!

This week was a pretty good week. Not as amazing as last week. But still pretty good. We were on bikes this week. And it was hot. But it was fun as always. On Wednesday we had a district meeting and I went on exchange to Pryor OK with Elder White and Elder Gallegos. It was awesome. I love going on exchange to different areas. I was with Elder Gallegos for most of the day. We visited with some less active members and some investigators, taught some good lessons. It was a great day. Then yesterday we were on exchange with the traveling assistants. I was with Elder Vanroosendaal. He's crazy. Not crazy like weird, but crazy like an awesome missionary. He's going home at the end of this transfer. So he's got some experience under his belt and it was awesome to learn from him and teach with him.

We acquired a couple new investigator families this week. The XXXs and the XXXXs. The XXXs are this older couple that we tracted into. They do not like church. But they are looking for a church to like haha. They are super friendly and very open to hearing our message. The other family, the XXXX's, we tracted into as well. But they know several members of our church. They are actually good friends with our ward mission leader haha. So we set up an appointment to teach them. They are a family with just a single mom and three kids. The kids are so awesome, so well behaved, they sat there listening intently to what we were saying! The kids actually wanted us to come back and teach them haha. SO awesome.

The work here is super hard still. We get out there everyday and just work all day. We try our best to find people that are prepared. People that are willing to hear our message. People that we can help. The work here in Owasso is definitely still picking up a lot, we have several members of the ward that have friends that are interested in meeting with us, so we are working on making that happen. Also XXXX is doing really good! He is going to seminary now! Please keep his mom in your prayers!

I love this work so much. I'm so grateful for the opportunity I have to help the people I meet. I love the gospel of Jesus Christ. You are all in my prayers every day. I promise there is nothing more fulfilling in this life than true discipleship. I know that these things are true. Through study and prayer, God answers us. He knows our every need. He knows our trials and questions and he wants to help. It's up to us to seek him out.

 Thank you for all of your support :) I love you all! 

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