Monday, January 14, 2013


Hello Family!

Taylor: That story is so awesome!  She sounds like such a sweet spirit. Surprisingly I haven't received any opposition quite as dramatic as that yet. That is sad that she doesn't believe that she will be with her husband. Hopefully there’s a missionary opportunity in there somewhere!

This week was a pretty good week filled with good lessons to our investigators and lots of tracting. That’s awesome that the missionaries in your ward want to use the survey idea! I hope it works our well for them! I'd like to know what their approach is to using a survey. Could you get some info on what they have been doing and let me know? Thanks!

I have been studying this week from Matthew. Specifically learning about the parables and miracles Christ taught and performed. My favorite one is Matthew 14:22-33, because of it's application to our lives. I would be curious to see what you all think about this story and how it applies to our lives.

Dad told me about how the missionaries went to his softball game one time and he really liked that. So on Wednesday we went to this poetry competition at the High School, where our investigator XXXXX was competing! It was pretty sweet, a lot of talented kids. XXXXX did great!

On Friday we had Zone Training Meeting. A meeting where we meet with our whole Zone and different companionships give instruction in certain areas of missionary work. We also get some instruction from our Zone Leaders, Elder XXXXX and Elder XXXXX. Elder XXXXX is awesome, he served (where I am serving)  for 9 months! So at the end of the meeting the Zone Leaders were talking about faith. They asked us if we had faith and if we believed that God was preparing people to receive our message. We all said yes of course, so Elder XXXXX said, do you have faith that if we went out looking for them right now you could find someone?! We were all like ya probably. Then he said ok then lets do it! So our whole Zone went tracting in this one neighborhood. So sweet. Eldre XXXXX and I knocked on 3 doors with no luck. But the 4th door a man answered. We did our normal door approach and asked him if we could do the survey with him. He politely declined, and we walked away. As we stepped off the sidewalk we heard the door open behind us, I turned around and saw the man motioning for us to come back inside. We walked back to the house and entered the screen door. We gave him the survey and after conversing for a little bit, the man said "the only reason I let you guys back in my house is because the Holy Spirit told me to". We continued to teach him about the Book of Mormon and how it could bless his life, he accepted the invitation to read and pray about it and accepted another visit from the missionaries in his area.

God is preparing souls to receive YOUR message. All you have to do is have faith, and open your mouth. I promise He won't let you down.

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