Monday, April 1, 2013

Alma 37:35

Alma 37:35    O, remember, my son, and alearn bwisdom in thy cyouth; yea, learn in thy youth to keep the commandments of God.

Sweet quote I found:
"Only a life lived for others, is a life worthwhile"
                                             ~Albert Einstein

First of all, April 9th is my companion's birthday! Just sayin ;)

Also, thank you so much for the Easter basket! I love getting stuff like that from home. I love you guys :)

Also, how is my rock wall? Did the holds ever get taken down? That would be much appreciated if that could happen.

This week we had an awesome experience with one of our investigators. We have these two investigators out in XXXXX (45 minutes away, still part of our area), we went to teach them one day and this other lady, XXXXX, was there. I guess she is living with them now. Anyways, XXXXX is a former investigator, and is sober for pretty much the first time in her life. She has had an incredibly tough life, colorful background full of bad decisions. But she is really turning her life around. Anyways, after we taught the lesson, Lynn told us that when we walked in, she thought about bolting out the back door. She didn't run. She stayed. She listened. She learned and now she wants to be baptized. I am a witness of the real power that the message of the Gospel has in the lives of those who are willing to listen. XXXXX still has some roadblocks, but they are nothing that I know she can't overcome. Please keep her in your prayers.

Transfer calls are this Saturday! I've been here for almost 5 months! I love Stockton. I love the people. I love the work here. It would be so hard to leave here. Never have I been so frustrated, so happy, so lost, and so blessed. Missionary work is so incredibly challenging. I know that it is not my strength or my own abilities that carry this work forward. All I try to do is be in the right place, with the right attitude, with the right spirit, at the right time. And the Lord does the rest.

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